Friday, February 11, 2011

Word Exercise

Wallie Exercises
Steve Ettinger is a fitness trainer who has worked with
school kids with and without disabilities. He sent me
a review copy of Wallie Exercises, a picture book he wrote 
(art by Steve Proctor).
Wallie Exercises is probably best suited for ages 3-7, 
but my ten year old son loved it. 
Why? Rhymes. He loves knowing what sound to

expect and will still accept any new story in rhyme 
though I'm pretty sure I will not be allowed to read it aloud again.
He gleefully exclaimed "alliteration" at
the advent of Edwin the exercise elephant. 
He was puzzled (as was I) at the abrupt transition
from home to car in the story. He turned back, 
convinced I had skipped a page. We were also confused
about the trunk stand joke, which I guess shows 
our unfamiliarity with fitness training. The story
is sweet and funny and meant to get kids moving.
Ettinger includes three exercises at the end 
of the book, which my kids really enjoyed.
My boys played "lazy tag" and giggled a lot 
two days in a row. I haven't had much luck
with kid exercise books, but I think Ettinger
could write a good one.
Thanks for the free book Mr. Ettinger, and
good luck in keeping kids active.
For more about Wallie and its creators:
Wishing you blue skies and healthy
exercise of mind and body this weekend,
-Spectrum Mom

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