When I started this blog it never occurred to me
that I needed a book review policy. I should have
realized that authors are as eager to find readers
as we are to find good books to read.
So the first two authors that asked, I said sure,
send me your books if you think a ten year old
with PDD-NOS might enjoy them.
Now these two may very well be the last two
that ever make such a request, especially since
Jacqueline Houtman sent me The Reinvention
of Edison Thomas two months ago and
still has not had a review.
Still, here is my brand new just-in-case
book review policy for authors
1 Sending me your book does not mean I
will blog about it. Check the blog-does yours
seem like the kind of book my kid reads?
If not, don't send it.
I will not write about your book unless
my kid or another kid with autism enjoys
it. And I may not be able to easily find
another reviewer. Hence, my problem
with Houtman's Edison Thomas which is a book
about a kid with Asperger's. My kid
has PDD-NOS. Currently he comprehends
about third grade level books.
He is not interested, and it took time
to find an appropriate reviewer.
2 I will not review anything not book related.
Even compliments on my fine writing will not
sway me. However if someone wants to send me an
I-Pad, I'm fine with that. You can read books on them
For those of you already gifted people with I Pads
(or Kindles or Nooks or whatever else is out there)
I would love to know whether and what your kid with
autism likes to read with them.
Kipling and Lewis Caroll are out of copyright, so
may be available free for such devices.
-Spectrum Mom
Update-September, 2012
This Summer I added "Talent Tuesdays"
featuring authors affected by autism
(those with autism or a close family
member with autism). If you want to
be featured on Talent Tuesday, just
send me a blurb about your book and
its relationship to autism. No review
copy of the book needed.
Email me at autismreads@gmail.com
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